A while back, I was happy to announce that I’m teaming up with the great David Moody and Timothy Long on a new zombie series set during World War 2: THE FRONT.
The first episode (SCREAMING EAGLES), written by Tim Long, starts during the Battle of the Bulge, where the 101st Airborne fights hard to steam the German onslaught. Then another wave comes out of the mist, but bullets don’t put them down …
More good news! Episode #1 is on sale for $0.99 for the next three days. You can get it for Kindle here.
David Moody is now working on Episode #2, which will see the British paratroopers–the Red Devils–join up with the Americans for a special mission to a horrifying place. Episode #3, BERLIN OR BUST, will see the feared German paratroopers join up in a new mission to the dying capital of Nazi Germany.
This is one of the series that’s a ton of fun to write and I hope as fun to read. Check it out.