LPStoBSNonline.org has published a list of some 100 books as part of its ultimate reading list for nurses–“some of the most respected and widely read books about nursing from an assortment of genres”–and included my self-published book, THE THIN WHITE LINE. Previously, this book was named to LVNtoRN.net’s Top 50 Must-Read Books for Nurses in 2012.
Written in 2008, THE THIN WHITE LINE reads like a fictional history of a severe influenza pandemic occurring in 2012. In other words, it’s fictional but reads like non-fiction, dense with well-researched technical detail about what a flu pandemic would actually look like in a Western country, including the difficulties healthcare providers would face under the constant stress of overwork, isolation of quarantine and risk of infection.
It’s a real honor to see my fiction recognized in this way! Thanks for including THE THIN WHITE LINE in the list!
Get the paperback here and the eBook here (the eBook is available FREE).
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