Thinking of movies like LOS ULTIMOS DIOS (THE LAST DAYS), there are some great foreign post-apoc flicks coming out. Here are two that caught my eye:
SECOND ORIGIN is a Spanish-language post-apocalyptic survival film. Synopsis:
Alba (age 20) and Dídac (age 10) are the only survivors of a catastrophe that has devastated the planet. Their survival will mark a new beginning for humanity.
WHAT WE BECOME (2015) is a Danish zombie movie. Synopsis:
The summer is shaping up to be perfect for the Johansson family. The weather is gorgeous, and the community warm and friendly. Even teenaged Gustav is feeling good about life in general, thanks to the new girl who has just moved in across the street. But this perfect suburban life is abruptly shattered by the arrival of a mysterious virus. Unexplained deaths are followed by panic and a full lockdown, families sealed into their homes by patrolling bio-suited soldiers. With things quickly escalating and no information forthcoming, it isn’t long before Gustav takes matters into his own hands.
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