THE COLLAPSE is a web-based simulator that starts with you–Patient Zero in a smallpox pandemic.
Type in your address, and the simulator places you on a map. It then asks you questions about what you want to do in response to symptoms, riots and food shortages, and so on. As you travel, you spread the pathogen around your community until it jumps to other cities and then around the world. Along the way, you’re given frightening facts about pandemics.
THE COLLAPSE is a promotion for a new game by Ubisoft, THE DIVISION, that came out in March.
Ready to destroy the world? Click here.
And if you’re interested in what a real pandemic of a novel strain of influenza would look like, be sure to check out my work THE THIN WHITE LINE, available for free here.
Here’s a screenshot of me infecting everybody at Calgary Rockview Hospital. Sorry about that! 🙁
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