Zombiephiles.com has published an interview of me talking about TOOTH AND NAIL.
I hope you’ll check it out here.
Zombiephiles.com has published an interview of me talking about TOOTH AND NAIL.
I hope you’ll check it out here.
Zombie stripper, anyone?
While I’m on an old movie kick here’s another one you got to see if you’re into, um, lots of people dying from a weaponized virus. Sam Waterston delivers a great performance as the sheriff of a small town whose wife is trapped inside a biological research laboratory where something goes wrong. Well written, well acted, tense, scary and pretty realistic, too.
“They’re coming to get you, Barbara.” Catch Night of the Living Dead free on YouTube here.
Besides DAWN OF THE DEAD, the best movie Romero made in my opinion.
While looking through some old movies on YouTube I found this gem: SEVEN DAYS IN MAY starring Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas and other greats. The movie is about a military coup plot in the U.S. in the 1960s. One of the best movies ever. It appears that you can watch the entire movie on YouTube (I did not verify all of the clips, though)–check it out.