The Emergency Alert System, or EAS, is a national warning system that replaced the Emergency Broadcast System in 1997. In addition to covering local and national emergencies, EAS allows the President to take over the entire nation’s broadcasting infrastructure and speak to the country within minutes of a disaster occurring. During an apocalyptic event such as a global zombie outbreak, the authorities would use the EAS to both inform and try to calm the public. Here are some interesting fictional EAS alerts.
Here’s the EAS message displayed in the bar TV in the show JERICHO:
A fan created an original EAS message that he or she believes would have been more realistic:
Here’s one for a zombie outbreak:
While we’re at it, here’s one covering the events of RED DAWN:
And finally, here’s one for a nuclear bomb hitting Detroit:
Dave Kolan says
as a child of the 80s they scared the bejeezus out of me. everytime one came on i thought “here comes the bomb”. no wonder i had so many nightmares back then…
Rita Jinkins Knits says
I still feel a wave of anxiety when one sounds–and I still have the nightmares….
Matt Repairbot says
Whoever came up with that attention klaxon at the beginning of the message did their job well.
Brian Kittrell says
If I ever become President, I would use this on April 1st after being elected to announce an April Fool’s zombie outbreak. They would change the laws that I might serve 3 or more terms for such coolness.