Recently played DEAD BY DAYLIGHT, a multiplayer game that captures the terror of slasher horror movies.
The game combines competitive and cooperative gaming. As one of four survivors, your job is to find a series of power generators and repair them. As the monster, your job is to hunt the survivors and mount them on a handy meat hook as a sacrifice to your dark god.
I played the game several times as both a survivor and the baddie, and had a great time doing each. The survivors and monster have different capabilities and advantages, but overall it’s really hard for the survivors. No matter, it’s one of those games where it almost doesn’t matter if you win or not, it’s all about how you play and how much fun you have. The monster is genuinely scary, it’s like being in a horror movie. When I was the monster, I particularly enjoyed sneaking up behind my friend John and starting up the old chainsaw, laughing maniacally as I did so.
Check it out if you’re tired of watching movies and want to be in one for a change.
Here’s a video I found on Youtube that shows an example of game play:
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