Horror After Dark named THE INFECTION as one of the top 10 horror reads of 2014, calling it “zombie apocalypse on steroids … an excellent, gripping read.”
Thanks, Paul! I’m glad you enjoyed the read.
Check out the list here.
Horror After Dark named THE INFECTION as one of the top 10 horror reads of 2014, calling it “zombie apocalypse on steroids … an excellent, gripping read.”
Thanks, Paul! I’m glad you enjoyed the read.
Check out the list here.
THE INFECTION, the bestselling zombie novel from Permuted Press, is now available for just $0.99 in eBook today and tomorrow only. Get it here at Amazon.
Zombiepop.net has posted a list of 25 of the best apocalyptic novels they’ve read, and I was honored to see two of my novels make the list: THE INFECTION and SUFFER THE CHILDREN.
Check it out here.
The zombie novels THE INFECTION and its sequel THE KILLING FLOOR became popular by sales through online retailers. Now Permuted Press will be bringing these novels to major bookstore distribution in the near future under the PERMUTED PLATINUM imprint.
Confirmed titles releasing over the next 12 months for the PERMUTED PLATINUM line include THE INFECTION and THE KILLING FLOOR, two of the publisher’s top bestsellers, plus:
* 14 by Peter Clines
* The Ninth Circle by Brendan Deneen
* Blood Brains and Bullets and Legacy of the Living duology by Sean Liebling
* Pretty When She Dies by Rhiannon Frater
* Pretty When She Kills by Rhiannon Frater
* Tentyrian Legacy by Elise Walters
* Pretty When She Destroys by Rhiannon Frater
* Infection and Containment, Alaskan Undead books 1 and 2 duology by Sean Schubert
* The Reaper: No Mercy and The Reaper: Avenging Wraith duology by Sean Liebling
* Zombie Attack: Rise of the Horde and Zombie Attack: Army of the Dead by Devan Sagliani
* Little Dead Man by Jake Bible
* The Becoming and The Becoming: Ground Zero duology by Jessica Meigs
* What Zombies Fear: A Father’s Quest and What Zombies Fear: The Maxists duology by Kirk Allmond
* The Flu and Healing: The Flu 2 duology by Jacqueline Druga
Permuted Press recently released a new book trailer for THE INFECTION. Check it out here:
I wrote the script for it. It’s a common trope in zombie movies for people to talk about what they miss from before the world ended. My response is always, who cares about a bucket of KFC or the Internet? I would miss my family, friends, home, life!
The trailer tries to capture that, as the narrator talks about the little things he misses before confronting the one big thing. The Infection took it all away …
Get Infected here.
The Map of Zombies is a Kickstarter project, with its creator, Jason Thompson, asking for $1,000 to print up a bunch of these 24 in. x 36 in. posters. Drawn in the style of a vintage medical chart, the Map of Zombies seeks to catalog the incredible diversity of creatures called zombie. If you’re a Romero purist, it’s the kind of thing that could give you a seizure, but for the rest of us, it’s a lot of fun to see how popular zombies are and how they are portrayed in pop culture. Slow zombies, fast zombies, Nazi zombies, animal zombies, funny zombies, romantic zombies, it’s got it all. The project has already raised about $16,000, way beyond Jason’s goal. Click here to learn more and contribute.
You can also click here to see the map itself (you can click to zoom in and see the detail). I was happy to see my novels TOOTH AND NAIL and THE INFECTION included in the fast-moving “rage” zombie category, with THE INFECTION earning its own subgenre, “rage zombie slaves of giant alien monsters.” (Not quite accurate, but I’ll take it!)
Take a look at the map and see how many books and movies you recognize.